There’s Often a Fine Line Between a Criminal and a Saint
Constable Jackson Forge intends to make the world safer, or at least the streets of Victorian London. But that’s Kit Turner’s domain, a swindler who runs a crew that acquires money the old-fashioned way—conning the rich to give to the poor. When a local cab driver goes missing, Jackson is tasked with finding the man, and the only way to do that is by enlisting Kit’s help. If Jackson doesn’t find the cabby, he’ll be fired. If Kit doesn’t help Jackson, he’ll arrest her for thievery. Yet neither of them realize those are the least of their problems.

This book wasn’t like most of her others. While there was still mystery and romance, I found this book to have quickness about it, both in how the characters spoke, but also what they did. So much happened during the book. So many different twists and turns and thoughts. It didn’t matter where I paused when reading, there was something going on I had to stop in the middle of. It was also cute and funny. The main characters, Kit and Jackson, had a fun dynamic between them that made them perfect for one another. This was a super fun read. 

Michelle Greip is one of my favorite authors. I found her at the end of 2021 and binge-read all of her books withing a few short months. I plan to reread them all again. 


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