~We had to say good-bye to our co-op this year since we moved last year and some kids will be doing band and sports that threw a wrench into our Friday plans.
~The boys are having to step up and do most all their curriculum on their own.

~Why change a good thing?
~Math-U-See has been amazing for these two boys since they started secondary math.
~They have now done high math than I have, to which I think is amazing! And they love it!

~They will continue to get grammar, writing, literature, vocabulary, spelling, geography, as well as art (which will count as an additional half credit).
~This course is broken up into 10 units, so they will have to manage their time themselves instead of simply doing a lesson a day. The units are not broken up into lessons, they will have to regulate how much time it takes and then work to finish all 10 units within the year.
~The art uses many different mediums and will provide them challenge. Neither of the boys are naturally inclined to do art so this will be something to stretch them.
~The books they will read this year are Up From Slavery, The Story of John Greenleaf Whittier, Patterns of the Wall, Just David, and Into the Unknown. There are all integrated into the units and cannot be skipped.
~They will also be completing a book study at the end of the year: The Screwtape Letters. On their website they list this as making it an honors course, but I won't be doing that for them. (Only completing one additional book study doesn't seem like enough to make it an honors course to me).

~Jeffrey, being more inclined to enjoy writing (he does want to be an author someday) will be taking this to make his English and honors course.
~The course in itself can be used as a high school English course, but we will only be using some of the selections this eyar in addition to our main English.
~Books he may read: Autobiography (by Benjamin Franklin), Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The House of Seven Gables, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Old Man and the Sea.

~Again, we’re sticking with Fix It! This has been a constant ever since I was introduced to it.
~Although they get grammar in their English curriculum, this does it in a different way, and teaches more thoroughly. Even if they don’t end up retaining everything taught in Fix It! I feel confident they are getting such good practice with it that will benefit them in their writing and English down the road.

~We again, jumped to a new history curriculum this year, and I am especially excited about it.
The boys need something where I can be mostly hands-off and this fits the bill nicely. It’s easy to follow and straightforward and most importantly, written from a Christian perspective.
~There is also Bible and Literature, but we are only using it for the History portion.

~this science was something I heard about online and I really liked the way it is all done online—the teaching, the quizzes and rests—all of it!
~While having the boys on a computer is not my first choice for curriculum, I am not inclined to go out of my way to teach science, and since they need something I have very little involvement with, this seems like a great option.

~This will count at a half credit towards high school graduation, the other half made up of PE, which I give because of the sports they are involved in.
~Cameron will be taking Band at the local high school each day.
~Jeffrey will be taking a Creative Writing course at home using