Third Grade...sometimes I feel like she shouldn't be this old, and sometimes it seems to just fit.
What I do know for sure is that I am very glad to be in charge of her schoolings—that I am able to direct what she reads and what she's writing about. I'm also thankful for faith-filled curriculum that helps me in this endeavor.

~We continued with our Math book 3 with The Good and the Beautiful.
~This curriculum is very thorough.
~Alivia was able to do some of this curriculum all by herself by reading through the lesson alone.

~After much deliberation we continued with book 3 for language arts. They are updating all their language arts and book 3 is the last to be updated and won’t be out until next spring/summer.
~Both Cameron and Graham used this level, and it is good, but we’ve done some of their revised levels and they are so much better!
~This had a lot of different parts to it, and I honestly skipped a lot that she already knew.

~We are starting this later in the school year and going through it slowly. We will most likely continue into next year.
~She did well with IEW writing last year and having done many themed books before I know the ones that come after this are very involved and I want her to have a solid understanding of how IEW works. Plus she does some writing with TGAG Language Arts so I don’t mind stretching this one out.

~I LOVE Fix It! Grammar.
~The way they teach grammar is clear and thorough.
~The kids get lots and lots of practice with the concepts they are learning. They add on new concepts gently, and never with an all at once approach.

~This is our first year with Notgrass.
~The 50 States has been fun to go through. The stories are fun and there is a good amount of fun facts about the states that keep the kids interested.
~There is Bible curriculum and Literature you can add to it, but we are only using it for the History portion.

~I’ve been holding onto this curriculum for quite a while and we are finally getting around to using it!
~The kids are VERY excited about birds! Dad has become quite the bird aficionado the past few years and the kids have been learning right along with him.
Other Curriculum We’ll be Using
Handwriting: The Good and the Beautiful (bk 3)


Explode the Code (book 5)