1987. Supermodel Harlow Hayes seeks solace in a quaint Florida beach town to heal from a heartbreak that shattered her entire world. To her surprise, she encounters Matt Knight--a Hollywood A-lister with a bad-boy reputation--who has returned to his hometown to help his plucky grandmother, Tuesday, save her century-old skating rink, the Starlight.

The Starlight holds a special place in the hearts of the community, once acting as a refuge for Depression-era families and bringing the town together with gatherings and celebrations. Tuesday's determination even protected her beloved rink from her husband's shady business dealings. Yet when the Starlight is threatened with demolition, Tuesday begins to wonder if an era has come to an end.

As Matt and Harlow strategize to save the rink, they find themselves on a journey of surprises, self-discovery, and the kind of healing that leads to love.

I loved this story! It was one of those feel-good stories where all the characters matter and you enjoy learning their backstory and how everything ends for each of them. This wasn’t a hurried read for me, but one I felt I could set aside and pick up at any moment and immerse myself into easily. I’ve enjoyed Rachel’s other books, and this is definitely one of my top favorites of hers. The throwback to roller-skating and all of those 80’s references was also great!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


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