Valentine defies the emperor and becomes a hero . . . and the most wanted man in the empire. Compelled by his faith, he has nothing to lose, until a chance encounter with the daughter of a Roman jailor changes everything. 
Rome, AD 270. In the wake of the emperor’s marriage ban, rumors swirl that there is one man brave enough to perform wedding ceremonies in secret. A public notarius and leader of an underground church, Valentine believes the emperor’s edict unjust and risks his own life for the sake of his convictions. But as his fame grows, so do fears for his safety.
Iris, the daughter of a Roman jailor, believes regaining her sight will ease the mounting troubles at home. Her last hope rests in searching out Valentine and his church, but the danger of associating with people labeled a threat to the empire is great. Still, as Iris's new friends lead her to faith in God, Iris is drawn to Valentine and they both begin to hope for a future together beyond the treacherous empire.
But when a past debt and a staggering betrayal collide, Valentine, Iris, and everyone they love must fight for their lives . . . and wrestle with trusting a God who can restore sight yet does not always keep His followers from peril.

What. A. Fabulous. Book. This is one of those books that will challenge and deepen your faith. It took me on an amazing journey and gave a fantastic look into the ancient world. A world we can only imagine and read about. Faith was woven throughout this story, making it come alive on every page. This is one of those stories that will stay with me for a long long time. In a good way. I can hardly think of the right words to share how wonderful this story was. You will fall in love with these characters and root for them all along the way. It's emotional. It's gripping. It's painful. It's raw. It's real. It's redemptive. It's honest. A definitely must read!


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