Newlyweds Lord and Lady Astley have already experienced their fair-share of suspense, but when a honeymoon trip takes a detour to the mystical land of Egypt, not even Grace with her fiction-loving mind is prepared for the dangers in store. From an assortment of untrustworthy adventure-seekers to a newly discovered tomb with a murderous secret, Frederick and Grace must lean on each other to navigate their dangerous surroundings. As the suspects mount in an antiquities’ heist of ancient proportions, will Frederick and Grace’s attempts to solve the mystery lead to another death among the sands?

Seeing Egypt in the 1800’s was a fun read. I enjoyed all the mystery, although with so many different characters I had to make sure I paid close attention to who was who and what was what so I followed with the story. This book had the same fun and witty banter as the first and was a fun second installment in this series. 


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