Book Review: Authentically, Izzy by Pepper Basham

Izzy Edgewood is a wannabe bookstore owner, quote queen, and Lord of the Rings nerd who has been waiting for Prince Charming to sweep her off her sneakered feet. But it’s hard to meet people when you spend more time with fictional humans than real ones. Which is why her pragmatist cousin Josephine decides to take Izzy’s future into her own meddling hands and create an online dating profile for the hopeful romantic.

To Izzy’s shock (and suspicion), Josie’s plan works. Soon, she’s dialoguing with a Hobbit-loving man named Brodie who lives in a small town an ocean away from her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But is their shared love of books, family, and correspondence enough to overcome Izzy’s fear of flying and the literal distance between them? And is a long-distance relationship even worth considering when a local author has been frequenting the library where she works and is proving to be a perfectly fine gentleman?

I loved Izzy and all the different relationships she had-her cousins, her aunt, and then these two men, and later on even more people are introduced. Getting to know them all through e-mail and sharing thoughts on how Izzy perceived them or even how they perceived her, was brilliant. I enjoyed ‘hearing’ from the characters what they thought through their own words as opposed to learning about them through their thoughts. The romance wasn’t completely predictable and I felt the world the author created across the pond was delightfully British and wish it was a real place I could visit. It took a few chapters to get fully emersed into the story. But once all the characters were sorted out the story rolled right along. 

With the e-mailing it has a similar vibe to Bridget Jones’ Diary, but with faith and Christian values woven in—which makes it all the better! There was a real depth to the main character and I love that one of her love interests helped her find herself and realize she could be and do more than she herself believed. This was a fun read and a nice break from the usual writings of a novel.

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