Desperate to reconcile with her family, disgraced Claire Summers replies to an advertisement for a “respectable female partner” in a Sidmouth boarding house. She hopes the proprietor will prove more trustworthy than the lord who betrayed her. But will her handsome, secretive business partner send her packing if he learns her genteel façade hides a less-than-respectable past?
When her family discovers Claire has left Scotland with no word to anyone, the sisters rally to find her, but their mother feels dutybound to honor her husband’s edict to disown her forever. Will their unexpected reunion bring longed-for reconciliation…or widen the divide?

Loved. This. Book. It brought back all the memories from the past two books, and was like cuddling in a warm blanket to sit and be welcomed back into this family and all they have going on. I’d been looking forward to reading about Claire’s story and loved how things ended for her. Mr. Hammond and that entire household was wonderful and I enjoyed every single page of this story. The love story was sweet, the reconnection with her family was heartbreaking and heartfelt. Just wonderful!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.