The accidents are not a matter of chance. They are deliberate. As English gentleman William Kensley becomes aware of the danger at Rosenleigh Manor, he pleads for the truth of his past from the only man he can trust—until that man is murdered.

As the secrets unfold into scandal, William’s world is tipped into destitution, leaving him penniless and alone. His only comfort is in the constant friendship and love of Isabella Gresham. If he does not have their nonsense at the seashore, their laughter, their reckless adventures, has he anything at all?

He should have known that would be ripped from him too. When a hidden foe arises from their acquaintances and imperils Isabella’s life, William may be the only one willing to risk his life to rescue her. But even if he frees Isabella from her captors, will he still have to forsake her heart?

Some sacrifice everything for love. Others sacrifice love for everything else. In this haunting tale of rigid social prejudices and heart-aching regrets, the greatest decision of their life will be determined in the garden of the midnights.

This book had a lot of subtle mystery to it and had me hooked from the very beginning. So many things happened that I wasn’t expecting, and the story kept moving, never got stagnant, and when I neared the end…I had no idea how it was going to wrap up. Well done. Both of the main characters went through a lot—both physically and emotionally. The author does not shy away from the difficult details. My favorite parts were when the main characters were together. The author wrote fun and interesting details into their world as they got to know one another. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


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