A hurricane may have destroyed her livelihood on Prince Edward Island, but she's determined to save her community

Kelsey Ahern has performed at the Victoria Playhouse on Prince Edward Island every summer since she was seven. But when a hurricane destroys the building, it's not just her memories that are in jeopardy. Her future as a teacher and drama coach are too. She teams up with Levi Ross, the facilities director at the high school, to produce a benefit show to raise money to rebuild the theater. He has a reputation for being able to fix anything, and Kelsey is sure there's more to the quiet man than meets the eye.

For his part, Levi has admired Kelsey for years, but he can't seem to find the words to tell her. When a popular weatherman arrives in town to cover the aftermath of the hurricane and takes an interest in Kelsey and her show, Levi realizes that the time has come to speak up--or lose the heart of the woman he longs for.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s the third in a series and you need to read the first two in order to understand the full weight of why Levi is the way he is. I thought Levi and Kelsey were a good match for one another, and I enjoyed seeing them both open up about their past issues to one another. I thought the issue of Levi’s father and how it was delt with in this novel was also very well done. This entire series is one worth spending the time reading. Each of the brother’s story was unique and completely different from one another. Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


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