~Our Science and History curriculum changed, otherwise much stayed the same.
~We even joined a co-op at our church.
~We LOVE The Good and the Beautiful Math program! 
~It is colorful, engaging, and does a good job at reviewing concepts every lesson.
~We finished Level 2 before Christmas and started Level 3 after the New Year. 
~Level 3 has some big concepts so we have gone fairly slow.
~While these levels do line up with grades, we started her on Level 1 when she was still in Kindergarten so she's be a bit ahead, and changing levels mid-year. 
~We usually do 2-3 lessons a week. With level 3 I usually split each day into two lessons to not overwhelm her with all the problem solving.
~We started Level 1 at the end of the last school year and often did two or three lessons a day--she was already able to read and comprehend most of what this level asked for. 
~We finished this before Christmas and then moved onto Level 2. 
~Our goal is to finish Level 2 by the end of summer. 
~This is one of the subjects we did at our co-op. I was thrilled when I learned they used IEW because this was our planned writing curriculum for the year. 
~She did some IEW over the summer with a previous level called "Bible Heroes" so she knew how the program was laid out.
~I'm happy she was able to share her writings with her class and do reading presentations in front of an audience of her peers. For the most part I wrote while she dictated to me. Our plan is to go back and finish the Bible Heroes oner the summer and have her do more of the writing portion on her own.

~This is a new History curriculum to our family this year. 

~I spent hours looking over different curriculums and finally settled on this once because it is a good fit for my oldest kiddos (in high school) and has enough fun activities for the younger ones.. 

~We listened to the audio of the books. Alivia did the lap book for each quarter, as well as some timeline figures. 

~This is another subject she did at co-op and one this mama was THRILLED about. 

~Of all the subjects to teach, this is my least favorite. 

~Since Dad is the science brain in this family he read through this book with the kids each week to prepare them for class each Friday.


~We also did the Energy Unit from The Good and the Beautiful this spring and just recently started the Birds unit, which will finish this summer. 

~I like that these units only take a month or two (depending on how many lessons you do a week) and not ALL YEAR LONG. 

~There are lots of science units to choose from, so the kids get to pick out the ones they are most interested in.

Other Curriculum: 

Other curriculum choices for the 2021-2022 School Year:
9th Grade


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